11 Feb 2021

On Monday morning the students arrived to find something quite unusual outside the library - a campsite, complete with tent, camp fire, baked beans and a frying pan. The roped-off camp site generated a great deal of curiosity.
Throughout the day the students were asking questions, looking for clues, sharing theories and eagerly awaiting the truth to be revealed.
After lunch the school assembled under the canteen COLA to get the whole story of why the mysterious campsite had been set up and who it belonged to. The students found out that Quilly, our great learning mascot, had arrived a couple of days early and was camping out at school until Monday. Quilly spent the day resting in the library and after lunch was welcomed to Nemingha with overwhelming enthusiasm by all the students, staff and our visiting Director Educational Leadership, Ruythe Dufty.
This spectacle was the launch of our first of seven learning dispositions – Curious. The Think Team, a group of dedicated students, will also be teaching lessons about the disposition of Curious to all classes this week.
You may have noticed the new displays featuring Quilly around our school. All of our classes also have displays which are used to lead discussions and set an example of the qualities great learners at Nemingha Public School use in all aspects of their learning.
Quilly is becoming a very important member of the Nemingha Public School community who, along with the Think Team, will be seen regularly promoting great learning and celebrating students as they display our seven learning dispositions.
Keep an eye and ear out for Quilly as we learn more about our school’s dispositions and work together to build great learners at Nemingha Public School.